ANDERSON - Anderson Community Schools, with support from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, was awarded $16,400 in grant funding through Project Lead The Way (PLTW)’s Launch program. PLTW Launch is a cross-curricular program for K-6 students that is closely aligned with Indiana Academic Standards.
“PLTW’s Launch program taps into students’ exploratory nature by engaging them in learning that feels like play and encourages them to discover,” said Dr. Joe Cronk, Superintendent for Anderson Community Schools. “This funding will allow us to continue to expand PLTW offerings at ACS.”
The PLTW Launch program modules empower students to adopt a design-thinking mindset through compelling activities, projects, and problems that build upon each other and relate to the world around them.
Here are a list of PLTW Launch program grants received by Anderson Community Schools:
$9,500 - Anderson Community School Corporation
$1,200 - Erskine Elementary School
$1,200 - Tenth Street Elementary School
$1,000 - Erskine Elementary School
$1,000 - Anderson Intermediate School
$1,000 - Eastside Elementary School
$1,000 - Edgewood Elementary School
$500 - Valley Grove Elementary School
All K-6 students will have the opportunity to engage in four PLTW modules during the 2021-2022 school year and it will be embedded in the elementary course of study. Each grade level will participate in a physical science, life science, earth science, and a computer science unit.