About Us » New Student Enrollment

New Student Enrollment


We are pleased to welcome new students for the 2024-2025 school year! To locate which school your student will attend please enter your address into Infofinder.

If you have any questions, or are still unsure which school your child will be attending, please call (765) 641-2000.

Pre-School Enrollment
If your child is age 4 by August 1, 2024 they are eligible for Pre-School. All of our Pre-School students at Anderson Community Schools attend the Southview Preschool Center. To enroll your student for Pre-School please contact: Colette Smith, Registrar, (765) 641-2360, cosmith@acsc.net.

Kindergarten - 5th Grade Enrollment
If your child is age 5 by August 1, 2024, they are eligible for Kindergarten*. They will attend one of our six elementary schools based on their home address. Please reach out to the school registrar listed below to schedule a time to enroll your child:

6th Grade Enrollment
If your child is entering the 6th grade they will attend Anderson Intermediate School (AIS). To enroll your student at AIS please contact: Alice Heruth, (765) 641-2047, aheruth@acsc.net.

7th - 8th Grade Enrollment
If your child is entering the 7th or 8th grade they will attend Highland Middle School (HMS). To enroll your student at HMS please contact: Sharon Boyd, (765) 641-2059, sharonboyd@acsc.net

9th - 12th Grade Enrollment
If your child is entering the 9th - 12th grade they will attend Anderson High School (AHS). To enroll your student at AHS please contact: Rosemary Rogers, (765) 641-2037, rrogers@acsc.net

Please Note: When enrolling a new student, a parent or guardian should bring the child with them along with their birth certificate, proof of address, and vaccination records.

*There is an Early Entrance procedure for students in Kindergarten. More information can be found here.